Registration Now Open
$260, includes:
3 rounds on River Landing’s River course, one of NC's finest courses, about 50 minutes from Wilmington.
3 meals : tee gift coupon for outdoor get-to-know-other-ONSGA members after Wednesday’s fourball ; buffet dinner Thursday; box lunch post play Friday
Amazon or Belk cards for at least 30% in each of 8 medal play flights
Two low gross, two low net winners in Wednesday fourball, with par 3 proximity prizes
Special guest Thursday evening by Par4Success, a top 50 Golf Digest fitness trainer and nationally renowned Triangle based golf performance group : focus on senior women golfers . Yes, we can drive it farther; yes, we can be more flexible. https://par4success.com
130 pm shot gun start Wed saves Tuesday hotel costs
Tee gift swap. Bring your unused tee gifts from other events for free swap, or new pickup. Wednesday and Thursday
Back by popular demand “Irene Green bet” with 50% of total a voluntary kitty for tips to staff, 50% payouts to randomly drawn players. Wednesday night selection
Donna Samper, Tournament Chair
Therese St Peter, on behalf of ONSGA Board